Monday, August 28, 2017

The Oldest Object Ever Found In The World

The Oldest Object Ever Found In The World

The development of human civilization is always interesting to know, including for matters relating to how or what kind of daily life of ancient humans, how the state of our earth in ancient times and so forth. Until now through the research of various objects have been found by humans to reveal the history of the past. Some of them are quite astonishing. Starting from thousands to billions of years. Here we can summarize in "The Oldest Object Ever Found In The World"

Swiss Army Knife (1,800 Years)


Swiss Army Knife or Swiss Army Knife is a multi functional knife brand manufactured by Victorinox AG and Wenger SA. The term "Swiss Army Knife" was created by US troops after World War II because of the tongue of those who had difficulty pronouncing it in German. And recently found objects that have similarities with the modern multi-function tool (there are at least 6 different functions). But strangely it is not found in Switzerland, but originated in the Roman Empire, circa 200 AD. The Swiss Army Knife of the Roman Empire is useful for the enjoyment of food. Historians interpret one of the functions of this tool used to tear the snails from their shells. A suspected spatula object is thought to be used to help open the sauce bottle. 

In this tool also includes forks, spoons, and knives to eat, as well as toothpicks to clean. Remarkably, all these tools appear to fold into the handle of the knife to keep everything compact, like the Swiss Army Knife and Leatherman multi-function tool that we use today. It was discovered in the Mediterranean in the early 90s, which is estimated to be nearly 1,800 years old, and it precedes the modern Swiss Army Knife we ​​know today.

Cannabis (2,700 Years)

The world's oldest marijuana is found in a 2,700-year-old grave in the Gobi Desert in 2008. Nearly two pounds of green plant material are found. A series of tests then proves that possession possessed strong psychoactive properties and cast doubt on the theory that formerly only grew plants for hemp to make clothing, ropes and other objects. The deposits were found in a pounded state placed in a wooden bowl in a leather basket near the head of a blue-eyed Caucasian man who died when he was about 45 years old. The researchers believe that he was a shaman of the Gushi people, now called the Tocharian which is similar to Celtic. 

What remains a question is how marijuana is given, because no pipes or other objects related to smoking are found in the cemetery. And until now believed its use is done by swallowing directly.

Sex Aid Tool (2,800 Years)

Scientists Jerma believe they have found the sex toy or the oldest sex aids in the world. This tool is piled with other rocks believed to be more than 30,000 years ago. As quoted by page, a spokesman for the University of Tubingen, Germany said the discovery was a surprise. One of the rocks 'suspicious' shaped bar which has a size of eight inches. The shape is similar to male genitals or in Sanskrit called phallus. This stone shape is like a tool to make ancient fire, but its size is similar to the size of male genitals, making scientists doubt its function. Moreover, there is a ring-like shape at the end of the ring. Scientists estimate the calendar or age of the device at least above 28,000 years. 

This tool is found in a cave near Ulm in Germany. According to the scientists the tool is made of silt rock and seems to have been thrown away because it has been damaged. Allegedly, these items were made by modern classified humans (Homo sapiens) rather than their older cousins ​​(Homo neanderthalensis).

Egyptian Fake Mummy Finger (3,000 Years)


Two false thumbs, one of which was found to be attached to the 3000-year-old Egyptian mummy, is probably the first functional prosthetic in the world. Scientists who tested the replica of the prosthetic toe on a volunteer suspect the wood and leather tools were deliberately installed to help people walk. University of Manchester researcher Jacky Finch points out that a third leather artifact made of wood stored at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo helps British Museum owners with no thumbs up like the Egyptians. The big toe was estimated from 600 BC and preceded what is now considered the earliest practical part of the false body, the Capula Roma, several hundred years ago. 

Finch recruited two volunteers whose right thumb was missing to test the exact replica of an artificial toe at Gait Lab Salford University. Finch says, "To be classified as a fake device, replacement devices must meet several criteria. The material should be able to withstand the body style so that it is not broken or cracked. "The big toe is estimated to hold 40% of the body weight and is responsible for the front movers, although those who have no thumb can adapt, Finch added. Journal Lancet reported, volunteers were asked to wear a replica of the Egyptian thumb and one of the volunteers can run very well with both homemade thumbs.

Song (3,400 Years)


Items of clay related to music, containing the tapered signs of the "Hurrian" language, unearthed in the early 1950s in the ancient city of Ugarit Syria (in place of Ras Shamra.). It contains one text containing the oldest and oldest hymn containing musical notation. This object is thought to have originated around 1400 BC which contains a hymn for the moon god wife, Nikal. 

Amazingly, this item even contains detailed performance instructions for the singer accompanied by a harpist, as well as instructions on how to tune the lute. In 1972, after 15 years of research, Anne Kilmer (professor of Assyriology, University of California, and curator of the Lowie Museum of Anthropology at Berkeley) successfully transcribed the oldest part of the musical notation in the world. And then can be heard through MIDI format as follows.

Letter of Complaint (3,750 Years)

Customer complaints letters have been around for thousands of years. The difference is, ancient letters carved on clay. If you look at this clay, Aneh's might think this is just a regular clay with a random symbol engraved on it. But this is a letter of complaint by a copper trader who lived in the ancient Mesopotamian age of about 3750 years. The author of the letter was named Nanni. He wrote a letter on clay to his business associate, Ea-nasir, copper ore trader. In his letter, Nanni complains about the copper seeds offered to him in low quality. Here is the translation of the letter: "What have you done to me, that you treated someone like me with such humiliation?" It is not known whether Nanni received a reply letter or is still dealing with Ea-nasir business. The Nanni's complaint letter is currently stored in the British Museum, England. Similar letters disappeared during looting at Iraq's National Museum in Baghdad in 2003.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

10 People Who Married With Weird Things

10 People Who Married With Weird Things .. !!!

Lively marriages and others from the rest are always the dream of every bride in the hope that it will be the most meaningful and historic day in life. If in Malaysia, we are well aware of the luxury wedding and'grand 'wedding especially the VIPs and celebrities who are especially interested in the media.

But other things that happen abroad, they are not married to the people they love but more to the material nature.

Here are the following 5 strangest wedding couples:

So let's explore our ...

1. Men married the Statue
Davecat is considered to have a wife who will not spend all her money, chat or cheating and leave her. That's why Davecat married a doll in 2000.

2. Married Replica Himself
Liu Ye 42 years old, man from Zhuhai, China so loves himself so determined to hold a traditional wedding with himself in front of over 100 invited guests. He immersed himself on a styrofoam board with a make-up like a red bride. "There are many reasons to marry myself, especially to express dissatisfaction with reality," Liu said. Liu denied allegations of a number of people saying he was gay.

The wedding ceremony takes place according to the custom of the Chinese community. The ceremony was also attended by a bridesmaid and a bridesmaid. All traditions are followed in order to honor the ancestors and the guests present.

 3. Married with Video Game Character
A Japanese man known as Sal9000 married Nene Anegasaki from the Nintendo DS video game "Love Plus," a virtual dating game.

4. Marry with Robot
A woman named Bonnie Burton made her R2-D2 character or robot from Star Wars movie as her partner on August 13 (uncertain year). And this couple has been married by Darth Maul at the ceremony. The more advanced technology forward, the more weird human behavior this decade.

 5. Married with Rollercoaster
The wedding was performed by Amy Wolfe (32 years), someone diagnosed asperger syndrome. He married an entertainment wagon called "1001 Natch," located in Amusement Park, Pennsylvania. He had previously married a prototype spacecraft, The Twin Towers, and a church ladder.

Marry the Berlin Wall
The first story was a woman who had fallen in love with the Berlin wall when she first saw her on television. The woman was named Eija Riitta from Sweden who fell in love with the wall of Berlin from the age of 7 until she decided to marry the Berlin wall.

7. Marry the Bridge
A woman named Jodi Rose fell in love at first sight when she saw Le Pont du Diable, a 600-year-old old bridge in southern France.
On June 17 last year, Jodi Rose married the old bridge and was attended by 14 invited guests. At her wedding party Jodi Rose looks very beautiful with a beautiful dress.

8. Marry Eiffel Tower
Erika, 39, is a former soldier living in San Francisco. He has long been in love with things. At first, Erika was infatuated by Lance, an arrow that helped her become a bowman. Her sense of love then shifted to the Berlin Wall. He claimed he had a physical connection with a piece of fence he kept in the room. But the Eiffel Tower was his last choice.

His wedding was simple and attended by relatives on June 4, 2008. He expressed his love and loyalty. In conjunction with his marriage, Erika uses the name 'Erika La Tour Eiffel'.

9. Marry trucks
A woman named Mary Griffin married her own truck. This is because he has a sex disorder that makes him interested in machine objects, such as motorcycles, cars, and trucks he married. He said his wedding with the truck was incredible.

10. Marry the Pillow

True love does not look like form and appearance. As Lee Jin-gyu experiences, this man from Korea is brave enough to marry his beloved 'dakimakura' pillow attached to anime character image.

Lee's favorite pillow features the character 'Fate Testarossa', taken from anime series 'magical girl', Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. The 28-year-old young man named 'otaku' was married to his 'bride' who appeared with a wedding dress. This weird marriage is held very seriously, complete with a break in a special ceremony and gets widespread coverage from various media.

P / S: They may be some examples in this world who may have COD (compulsive obsessive disorder) which they become very obsessive about something or something.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

To divorce because wife no virgin

A woman has been abandoned by her husband for not having bleeding during intimate contact.

The incident in India when Yogita Abhiyekar-Karale, 20 years denied cheating on her husband, Arjun 25.

Become a custom in the Ahmednagar area to conduct virgin exams to the bride. The test uses a white cloth placed on a bridal bed to see whether the blood exists or not after the connection.

Yogita apparently failed in the test after it was found that no blood was visible on the white cloth.

The man then applied for divorce to his wife in court.

Yogita, a policeman, said he was still a virgin and the hymen might have broken out after undergoing rigorous training in police forces.

She was the second wife to her husband and was married on May 22.

However, after the case was widely covered, Arjun was said to have changed his mind and wanted to withdraw his divorce application

strange but creative

Strange but creative clothes. Would you like to wear this dress and walk in public? Noticed the people. Not everybody like him who dared


Gelas yg biasa dipakai minum Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi  Wassalam dikembalikan ke negara  Chechen tempat asalnya. Semua pejabat negara hadir penuh penghormatan mulai dari lapangan terbang dengan dikawal polis dan sebagainya. Sebelum ini gelas itu disimpan di museum London. Lihat video berikut.....

Friday, July 21, 2017



Manusia mempunyai ketinggihan normal dalam purata 155cm iaitu dalam lingkungan 144 - 175cm bagi manusia dewasa. Namun terdapat juga manusia dalam dunia ini yang mempunai ketinggian yang agak luar biasa dan merupakan keajaiban ciptaan tuhan yang maha esa. Berikut senarai 10 manusia pelik paling tinggi di dunia.

10. Patrick Cotter O'Brien

Patrick Cotter yang dikenal juga dengan sebutan Bristol Giant dan Irish Giant ini merupakan manusia tertinggi yang berasal dari Ireland. Nama O'Brien yang digunakan merupakan nama dari sebuah acara sarkas. Lahir pada 19 Januari 1760, dirinya merupakan manusia pertama dalam rekod sejarah dunia mempunyai tinggi 2,44m atau lebih.

Manusia tertinggi di dunia urutan 10 ini meninggal pada 8 September 1806. Banyak orang beranggapan kematian lelaki tinggi ini disebabkan oleh gigantisme. Cotter memberikan wang sebanyak 2000 dolar kepada ibunya dan meminta agar tubuhnya dikubur di dalam batu berukuran 3,6m dan menolak tubuhnya dijadikan bahan pembelajaran.

9. Bernard Coyne
Menurut kad pendaftaran perang dunia pertama pada tarikh 29 Ogos 1918, manusia tertinggi di dunia ini berdaftar dengan tinggi yang mencapai 2.4 m. Menurut sumber Guinness Book of World Records, Coyne menolak proses inagurasi ketika tingginya mencapai 2,1m. Tingginya tersebut dijangka disebabkan oleh salah satu jenis penyakit gigantisme langka yang bernama Daddy Long-Legs Syndrome.

Bernard Coyne yang menjadi orang tertinggi di dunia pada masa itu meninggal dunia di usia yang sangat muda 23 tahun pada tarikh 20 Mei 1921. Tinggi terakhir yang tercatat ketika dia meninggal adalah 2,49m. Namun banyak orang yang percaya bahawa tingginya mencapai 2,54m.

8. Don Koehler
Lelaki yang dilahirkan pada tarikh 1 September 1925 ini tercatat sebagai manusia tertinggi sekurang-kurangnya pada tahun 1969 hingga ajal menjemputnya pada 26 Februari 1981. Berkat penyakit Acromegalic Gigantism yang dialami oleh Koehler membuat tubuhnya menjadi sangat tinggi melewati tinggi tubuh manusia pada umumnya. Penyakit tersebut membuat dirinya mempunyai tubuh dengan tinggi yang mencapai 2,49m.

Menjelang akhir hidupnya, Koehler mengalami suatu penyakit bernama kyphosis. Kyphosis merupakan suatu keadaan di mana tulang belakang mengalami kelainan sehingga mengakibatkan badan jadi bongkok. Koehler tutup usia pada tahun 1981 di Chicago kerana keadaan jantungnya yang buruk. Tinggi pada saat ia meninggal tercatat mengalami penurunan dari 2,49m menjadi 2,39m.

7. Vikas Uppal

Vikas Kumar "Vicky" Uppal lahir pada tahun 1986 dan merupakan orang tertinggi di dunia yang berasal dari India. Selama dirinya hidup, tidak ada orang lain di India yang mampu mengalahkan tinggi tubuhnya yang diketahui mencapai 2,51m. Ketika umurnya mendekati 20, melaporkan bahawa tinggi Uppal bertambah menjadi 2,70m.

Mengenai tinggi Uppal, banyak orang yang meragukan apakah tingginya 2,7m atau 2,4m. Malangnya Guinness Book of Records belum sempat mengukur tinggi sebenarnya dari lelaki asal India ini.

6. Sultan Kosen

Adalah seorang petani asal Turki yang tercatat dalam Guinness Book of Records sebagai salah satu manusia tertinggi di dunia dengan tinggi badan mencapai 2,51m. Pada 25 Ogos 2009, tinggi Kosen yang mencapai 2,46m mengalahkan tinggi Bao Xishun yang hanya 2,36m. Selain memegang rekod sebagai salah satu manusia yang paling tinggi di dunia. Kosen juga memegang rekod sebagai manusia dengan saiz tangan paling besar 27,5cm dan juga rekod kaki terbesar 36.5 cm.

Tinggi tubuhnya yang luar biasa tersebut menyebabkan tumbuhnya sebuah tumor yang menyerang kelenjar di bawah otak. Tumor tersebut mengakibatkan dirinya harus berjalan dengan menggunakan alat bantu.

5. Edouard Beaupre

Tidak hanya dikenali sebagai salah satu orang tertinggi di dunia, Beaupre juga dikenali sebagai ahli gusti paling tinggi dan kuat di sejarah pada masa itu. Berkat tingginya yang jauh melebihi manusia normal, dirinya menjadi sangat terkenal dan bergabung dengan sebuah pasukan sarkas Barnum and Bailey 's Circus. Dirinya pun menjadi pusat tarikan dari sarkas tersebut.
Beaupre menutup usianya pada 3 Julai 1904 di sebuah rumah sakit bernama St. Louis. Pada akhir hidupnya tersebut dirinya mencatatkan diri dalam buku Guinness sebagai salah satu manusia yang paling tinggi di dunia dengan tingginya yang mencapai 2,52m.

4. Vaino Myllyrinne

Vaino Myllyrinne dikenali oleh banyak orang sebagai salah satu orang tertinggi di dunia yang hidup di tahun 1940 sampai dengan 1963. Di umurnya yang 30an, tingginya tercatat mencapai angka yang hebat yakni 2,51m. Lahir di Helsinki pada 27 Februari 1909, Vaino Myllyrinne merupakan lelaki yang menderita Acromegalic Giant namun penyakitnya tersebut malah membuat dirinya menjadi terkenal.

Selama hidupnya Myllyrinne pernah mengikuti latihan tentera di tahun 1929. Di tahun 1930, dirinya pergi ke Eropah dan cuba kerjaya sebagai ahli gusti dan pemain sarkas. 1939 dirinya kembali ke Finland dan bertugas pasukan Finland. 1946 dirinya mula bekerja sebagai penternak di Järvenpää. Myllyrinee menutup usianya di tahun 1963.

3. Leonid Stadnyk

Sebagai salah satu manusia tertinggi di dunia dengan tinggi 2,54m yang lahir 5 Ogos 1970 di Ukraine. Tingginya yang tidak normal ini awalnya disebabkan setelah dirinya menjalani satu pembedahan otak ketika umurnya baru 14 tahun. Operasi otak tersebut mengakibatkan munculnya tumor di kelenjar otaknya sehingga menghasilkan hormon pertumbuhan yang tidak terkawal. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan dirinya menderita Acromegalic Gigantism.

Walaupun dikenali sebagai salah satu manusia tertinggi di dunia, Stadnyk menolak namanya dimasukan ke dalam buku rekod Guinness. Hanya buku rekod Ukraine saja yang mencatat rekod lelaki tertinggi di dunia ini. Menurut buku rekod Ukrain tersebut, Stadnyk mempunyai tinggi badan mencapai 2,57m.

2. John Rogan

John William Rogan lahir pada 16 Februari 1865. Namanya tercatat dalam buku rekod sebagai salah satu manusia tertinggi di dunia dengan tinggi badan yang mencapai 2,44m. Pertumbuhan tinggi Rogan yang tidak biasa normal membuatnya menderita penyakit Ankylosis, sebuah penyakit dimana sendi di bahagian tubuh kaku dan sukar untuk digerakkan.

Menjelang ajalnya, tubuh Rogan tidak berhenti tumbuh hingga akhirnya tingginya mencapai 2,67m. Dengan tinggi tersebut menjadikan dirinya sebagai orang Afrika tertinggi sepanjang sejarah. Meninggal dunia pada 12 September 1905 kerana komplikasi dari Ankylosis yang dideritanya. Kemudian mayatnya dikebumikan dalam kubur khusus untuk mencegah ada cubaan ujikaji dibuat ke atas mayatnya.

1. Robert Wadlow

Inilah pemegang rekod manusia tertinggi di dunia dengan tinggi 2,72m. Lahir pada 22 Februari 1818, Wadlom juga dikenali dengan nama Alton Giant dan Giant of Illinois. Pertumbuhan tinggi badannya tersebut disebabkan kerana Hyperlasia, suatu penyakit yang menyerang kelenjar otak. Hyperlasia tersebutlah yang mengakibatkan homon pertumbuhan dalam tubuh Wadlow menjadi tak terkawal.

Robert Wadlow meninggal di usia yang muda iaitu 22 tahun kerana penyakit yang menyerang sistem kekebalan tubuhnya. Keadaannya yang makin parah tersebut membuatnya menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada 15 July 1940. Kemudian dirinya dikebumikan di Oakwood Cemetery, Illinois.

The 10 highest human beings in the world

The 10 highest human beings in the world

Humans have a normal height of 155cm in the range of 144 - 175cm for mature humans. But there are also people in this world who have a rather extraordinary height and are the wonders of the creation of the Almighty. Here's a list of the 10 most weird humans in the world.

10. Patrick Cotter O'Brien

Patrick Cotter, also known as Bristol Giant and Irish Giant, is the tallest human being from Ireland. The name O'Brien used was the adoption name of a circus event. Born on January 19, 1760, he was the first human in world history record to have a height of 2.44m or more.

The highest human being in the world of the 10th order died on September 8, 1806. Many people think this high man's death is caused by gigantism. Cotter gave her $ 2000 to her mother and asked her body to be buried in a stone measuring 3.6m and rejected her body as a learning object.

9. Bernard Coyne

According to the first world war registration card on August 29, 1918, the highest human being in the world is registered with a height of 2.4 m. According to the source of the Guinness Book of World Records, Coyne rejected the inaugural process when its height reached 2.1m. The height is estimated to be due to one type of rare gigant disease called Daddy Long-Legs Syndrome.

Bernard Coyne, who became the highest person in the world when he died at a very young age of 23 years on May 20, 1921. The last recorded high when he died was 2.49m. But many people believe that the height reaches 2.54m.

8. Don Koehler

The man who was born on September 1, 1925 was noted as the tallest man at least in 1969 until his death on February 26, 1981. Thanks to the Acromegalic Gigantism's disease suffered by Koehler made his body very high through the height of the human body in general. The disease makes itself a tall body that reaches 2.49m.

Towards the end of his life, Koehler experienced a disease called kyphosis. Kyphosis is a condition where the spine develops a disorder that causes the body to become hump. Koehler died in 1981 in Chicago because of his poor heart condition. High at the time of his death recorded a decline from 2.49m to 2.39m.

7. Vikas Uppal

Vikas Kumar "Vicky" Uppal was born in 1986 and is the highest person in the world originating in India. During her life, no one else in India was able to defeat her body height known to reach 2.51m. When he was about 20, reported that the height of Uppal grew to 2.70m.

About the height of Uppal, many people are doubting whether the height of 2.7m or 2.4m. Unfortunately the Guinness Book of Records has not been able to measure the true height of this Indian man.

6. Sultan Kosen

Is a Turkish farmer recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the tallest humans in the world with a height of 2.51m. On August 25, 2009, the Kosen high which reached 2.46m beat Bao Xishun's height of just 2.36m. In addition to holding the record as one of the tallest humans in the world. Kosen also holds the record as the man with the largest hand size of 27.5cm and also the largest foot record of 36.5 cm.
His incredible body height led to a tumor that struck the gland under his brain. The tumor causes him to walk by using aids.

5. Edouard Beaupre

Not only known as one of the highest peoples in the world, Beaupre is also known as the most powerful and powerful wrestler in history at that time. Thanks to his height beyond normal humans, he became very well known and joined a Barnum and Bailey's Circus team. He is also the center of the attraction of the circus.

Beaupre closed his age on 3 July 1904 in a hospital named St. Louis. At the end of his life he recorded himself in the Guinness book as one of the tallest humans in the world with a height of 2.52m.

4. Vaino Myllyrinne

Vaino Myllyrinne is known by many as one of the highest peoples in the world who lived in the 1940s to 1963. In his 30s, his recorded record reached a fantastic figure of 2.51m. Born in Helsinki on February 27, 1909, Vaino Myllyrinne was a man suffering from Acromegalic Giant but his illness even made him famous.

During his lifetime Myllyrinne had been training soldiers in 1929. In 1930, he went to Europe and tried his career as a wrestler and a circus player. In 1939 he returned to Finland and served on Finnish troops. 1946 he started working as a farmer in Järvenpää. Myllyrinee closed her age in 1963.

3. Leonid Stadnyk

As one of the tallest humans in the world with a height of 2.54m born August 5, 1970 in Ukraine. This abnormal height was initially caused after he had undergone a brain surgery when he was 14 years old. Brain operations result in tumors in the glands of the brain resulting in uncontrolled growth hormones. It caused him to suffer from Acromegalic Gigantism.

Although known as one of the world's tallest human beings, Stadnyk denied his name into Guinness record book. Only a record Ukrainian record that records the highest male record in the world. According to the Ukrainian record book, Stadnyk has a height of 2.57m.

2. John Rogan

The man with the full name John William Rogan was born on February 16, 1865. His name was recorded in the record book as one of the tallest humans in the world with a height of 2.44m. The unusually high growth of Rogan made him suffering from Ankylosis disease, a disease in which joints in the body were stiff and difficult to move.

By the time of his death, Rogan's body did not stop until it finally reached 2.67m. At that height he was the highest African in history. He died on September 12, 1905 due to complications from Ankylosis he suffered. Then his body was buried in a special grave to prevent the research from using his body.

1. Robert Wadlow

This is the highest human record holder in the world with a height of 2.72m. Born on February 22, 1818, Wadlom is also known as Alton Giant and Giant of Illionis. Its high growth is due to Hyperlasia, a disease that attacks the glands of the brain. That hyperlasia causes homon growth in Wadlow's body to become uncontrollable.

Robert Wadlow died at a young age of 22 years because of a disease that attacks his immune system. His worsening condition made him breathe last 15 July 1940. Then he was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Illinois.